Where The Cubs Stand Right Now

So here we are, halfway through the season.  Actually, the Cubs have played 95 games, so they are closer to 60% of the way through the season.  They sit 4.5 games ahead of the Cardinals and 5 games ahead of the Brewers.  So, at this point, it’s a 67 game season and the Cubs are spotted 4.5 games.  So what are the odds they take the division?  How safe do you feel with that lead?  I feel nervously confident.  I have a feeling that defines how most Cubs fans feel right now. 

Let’s look past all the history of failure and heartbreak, though.  Let’s set that all aside and pretend that we root for a normal baseball team.  One without jinxes or curses swirling around.  According to Baseball Prospectus, the Cubs have a 80% chance of winning the division and a 92% chance of going to the playoffs.  Am I that negative and pessimistic that 92% concerns me?  I mean, the Cubs Continue reading

Julio Franco Played More Years Than I Lived

I couldn’t helpbut notice that Julio Franco retired two days ago.  Kudos to him on a long and illustriouscareer.  He began his Major league career in 1982 with the Philadelphia Phillies.  Continue reading

A Trip to Wrigleyville

I made it up to The Windy City yesterday. One of my bands, The Lion in Rome played a show at Reggie’s, which is South of downtown on State Street. They have two venues and a great record store. If you’re into indie/punk/etc. on vinyl, Continue reading