Hope Springs Eternal


Traveling across the river to watch the fireworks in Bettendorf threw a monkey wrench into our typical Cubs-viewing routine.  We had to discontinue our television viewing just after Edmonds received his standing ovation from the St. Louis crowd before his first at-bat (ho-hum).  A small, portable radio informed us of Soto’s hardball home run as we played a game of whiffle-ball home run derby.  Finally, as the immoderate grand finale was happening, a man sitting near us with earbuds engaged announced to us that the Cubs had won the game.

Even just getting the first win in this series with “the birds on the bat” (lolz) makes me feel like all is becoming right with the universe.  We are out of Mordor and are journeying back to the Shire.  Zambrano is back and is looking good.  Murton is still with the team.  Reed Johnson is back and already contributing, and TMFL is pitching tomorrow afternoon.  Ram it home, Cubs!

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